Retail and Sales Degree Overview
Listed below are colleges and universities that offer online degrees, certificates, and diplomas in the major of Retail and Sales and a detailed list of the programs offered. Tuition, financial aid, course offerings, online classes, adult education, and distance learning options are available by request.
Work to the Top with a Career in Retail Management
When Joyce Shoemaker started her job as a department store ‘gift wrapper’ she probably didnt know that it would be the first step to becoming a successful retail operations manager years later. She began by simply taking advantages of opportunities in the store dressing mannequins and displays and worked her way up.
‘I loved combining product and environment to encourage a sale, develop the ’flow’ of merchandise in the store, and highlight certain trends in strategic locations,’ she said in an interview with
Business Study Areas
- All Business degrees
- Accounting / Finance
- Administrative Professional
- Business Administration / Management
- Business Information Systems
- Communications / Public Relations
- Economics
- Entrepreneurship
- Hospitality / Tourism
- Human Resources
- International Business
- Marketing
- Office Management
- Organizational Management
- Project Management
- Retail and Sales
- Supply Chain Management
Career Outlook for Retail Management
Hiring from Within
Though retail associates are taking on more responsibilities, retail management positions are expected to grow 5% by 2018, according to the Labor of Bureau Statistics. However, that percentage is lower than most occupations in the U.S. because retail management tasks are being distributed out to existing employees. There are currently more than 2.2 million people employed in retail management, many of who are in grocery stores, department stores, and just general merchandise. The market is competitive, so it’s a good idea to get an education and get your foot in the door at a company you would eventually want to manage for.
Worth the Wait?
One of the biggest reasons jobs won’t be increasing as rapidly as other occupations within the next 10 years is that retail manager positions tend to open up only when the predecessor moves up or retires. So if you’re passionate about reaching the top of the management chain, hang in there and work as an associate manager until a position opens up. That way you’ll have a plethora experience to make yourself the most competitive candidate in your store, or in any other stores that you might apply to. Experience is the key. Also, you may want to continually keep your eyes out for new store locations or other opportunities where you could take advantage of a company’s need for a new manager position fulfillment.
Featured Online Retail and Sales Colleges

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Salary Forecast for Retail Management
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median hourly wage for all retail managers is about $16.73, and the average salary is $34,900. Now that salary may not sound very tempting for such a competitive position, but in the insurance, brokerage, automobile and furniture retail industries, salaries are well beyond $50,000, reaching all the way to $97,240.
Salary in retail management also depends on experience. For entry-level positions, you can expect a salary ranging from $33,000 to $44,000, but for mid-level and up the salary starts at about $54,000 and goes up to $100,000.
Increase in Education, Increase in Position
Oftentimes, moving up in retail management requires continuing education. At the very minimum, retail managers hold bachelor’s degrees in business or management-related fields. However, the most successful and valued retail mangers hold master’s degrees in similar fields. So by increasing your education, you not only improve your chances of moving up, but the degree will be reflected in your salary as well.
Education and Skill Requirements for Retail Management
Here are some ideas for the type of education you need to succeed in this field
Bachelors in Business
At the bare minimum, people trying to get into retail management need to hold a bachelors degree in related fields, like business or management. A four year degree will prepare you for the simple and complicated duties of running an entire retail store, whether its a clothing store or an automobile chain.
Masters Programs
A masters degree is extremely valuable to those looking to make it in retail management. Many universities offer a variety of different masters degrees, ranging from business administration, leadership and management, organization and management, and retail management, all which would be helpful to a retail management applicant.
Internal Promotions within a Company
However, many employees at retail companies can get the opportunity to strive toward management by internal promotions and education. For example, The Home Depot has a program called Professional Retail Management, which assists associates to get a bachelors degree. The courses taken through the PRM program go toward a completion certificate, in addition to them counting toward Bellevue Universitys professional retail management degree.
Skills Needed
In addition to education, strong leadership and communication skills are a must-have to work in retail management. The job requires the ability to keep a clear-head and delegate responsibility and tasks to employees within the store, so learning to communicate with those employees is crucial.
Colleges For Retail and Sales Degrees

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