Child and Family Studies Degree Overview
Listed below are colleges and universities that offer online degrees, certificates, and diplomas in the major of Child and Family Studies and a detailed list of the programs offered. Tuition, financial aid, course offerings, online classes, adult education, and distance learning options are available by request.
Psychology Study Areas
Outlook for Child and Family Studies Careers
Its Ok To Not Be Ok
The T word and the C word are becoming more acceptable. Therapy is more common and valued today than it has been in the past. Getting counseling does not have the stigma it once did.
This bodes well for Marriage and Family Therapists
As more families have become open to this method of assistance, job opportunities have increased. No more sneaking away to a meeting. Therapy is talked about, counselors are recommended, and more and more clients fill the offices.
Plus, as the success rate of counseling has proven its value, more arenas are adding it as an option. MFTs can now find opportunities in many settings. Where? See the chart for stats on where Marriage and Family Therapists can be found at work.
Featured Online Child and Family Studies Colleges

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Salaries in Child and Family Studies
Where Is The Money?
As mentioned, this is not the field of Rockefellers. Yet, increased demand for therapists, and placement in more industries, has made it possible to pay the rent on a counselors salary. In fact, you may be surprised at the highest paying industries for this market.
Education Requirements for Child and Family Studies Careers
Highly Qualified
No, not just anyone can come in and analyze exactly why your family has made you crazy. Much training is required. This is understandable, considering the intricacies of most family issues. Aunt Greta didnt get that way in a day. You cant become an MFT in a day.
The following outlines the steps to become a Marriage and Family Therapist. How many people complete this path? The graph provided breaks down some of this info. Note a masters degree is the standard, followed closely by a doctorate.
Colleges For Child and Family Studies Degrees

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